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The NJ Agricultural Convention and Trade Show is held each year in late winter. It is sponsored by the Vegetable Growers’ Association of New Jersey in conjunction with Rutgers NJAES and the NJ Department of Agriculture.

The NFarmers with an understanding of emerging market trends have a competitive edge. Work begun over a decade ago with the Ethnic Produce Production and Marketing Program continues to explore consumer preferences, research production systems, and partner with New Jersey growers to create successful operations. Photo: Atlantic County Ag Agent Rick VanVranken with ethnic vegetable crops grower Morris Gbolo.

Attentiveness to detail is what sets successful growers apart. These field guides, useful to growers young and old, applicable to conventional as well as organic conditions, organize information to help in decision making from pre-planting to harvest. Photo: Vegetable IPM Program Associate Kris Holmstrom; Lettuce downy mildew; Smooth pigweed.

NEWA is a web-based weather and pest reporting and forecasting system for insect and disease pests of fruits and vegetables. NEWA keeps you apprised of conditions in your area and aids in decision-making, resulting in enhanced pest control with reduced costs and environmental burden.