Main Content
These field guides, the result of analysis of over 2000 documents, represent a pragmatic and systematic approach to crop production. Useful to growers young and old, under conventional and organic conditions, the guides convey information that help in decision making from pre-planting to harvest. Learn what to look for, how and when to look for it, for each crop listed.

Insect and Disease Management
- Alfalfa (PDF)
- Asparagus (PDF)
- Basil (PDF)
- Bell Pepper (PDF)
- Blueberry (PDF)
- Broccoli, Cauliflower (PDF)
- Cabbage (PDF)
- Eggplant (PDF)
- Ethnic Crucifers (PDF)
- Field Corn: DE & MD (PDF)
- Field Corn: NJ (PDF)
- Green Onion, Leek (PDF)
- Leafy Crucifers, Collards, Mustard Greens, Kale, Turnip Greens (PDF)
- Lettuce, Endive, Escarole (PDF)
- Lima Bean (Processing) (PDF)
- Muskmelon (PDF)
- Parsley, Cilantro, Dill, Fennel (PDF)
- Pea (Processing) (PDF)
- Potato (White) (PDF)
- Pumpkin, Winter Squash (PDF)
- Snap Bean (Processing) (PDF)
- Soybean (PDF)
- Spinach (PDF)
- Sweet Corn (PDF)
- Summer Squash, Zucchini (PDF)
- Tomato (Processing) (PDF)
- Winter Wheat: DE (PDF)
- Winter Wheat: NJ (PDF)
Weed Management
- Asparagus (PDF)
- Bell Pepper (PDF)
- Broccoli, Cauliflower (PDF)
- Cabbage (PDF)
- Eggplant (PDF)
- Green Onion, Leek (PDF)
- Leafy Crucifers
- Collards, Mustard Greens, Kale, Turnip Greens (PDF)
- Lettuce, Endive, Escarole (PDF)
- Lima Bean (Processing) (PDF)
- Muskmelon (PDF)
- Pea (Processing) (PDF)
- Potato (White) (PDF)
- Pumpkin, Winter Squash (PDF)
- Snap Bean (Processing) (PDF)
- Spinach (PDF)
- Summer Squash, Zucchini (PDF)
- Tomato (Processing) (PDF)
The field guides were researched, developed and compiled by:
- Wesley Kline, Ph.D., Rutgers Cooperative Extension
- Shirley Kline, Horticultural Consultant
- Joanne Whalen, IPM Specialist, University of Delaware
- Jack Rabin, Rutgers Cooperative Extension
Acknowledgment of project assistance including compiling selected crop field guides and review:
- University of Delaware — Marty Spellman
- Rutgers Cooperative Extension — Gerald Ghidiu, Kris Holmstrom, Stephen A. Johnston, Joseph Ingerson-Mahar, Brad Majek, Peter Oudemans, Sridhar Polavarapu, Dean Polk, Rick VanVranken, Sally Walker
- Helena Chemical Co. — Robert Moore
- United Ag Products — David Bachinsky
Thanks to the hundreds ICM/IPM researchers, extension workers, and practitioners whose work is cited in the Field Guides. Support for this project was made possible by USDA NE Region SARE Grant ENE 95-7.